Wisconsin Oversize/Overweight Permits
Permit Types
Wisconsin oversize permits are valid for fourteen consecutive days. You must have a permit prior to entering the state.
1. Single-Trip Permits
These one-use permits are valid for 5 days. They may be requested 5 days in advance. Request return trips with the original permit.
- Oversize/Overweight – For non-reducible loads or vehicles.
- Sealed Load in International Trade – For the transportation of a sealed load. Max 90,000 lbs. on 6 or more axles.
- Building or Structure from an Existing Foundation – For moving buildings with one or more overall transport measurements exceeding 12′ wide, 14’3″ high, or 100′ long.
- Factory Built Home – For mobile homes, manufactured homes, or modular homes. Max home section length is 80′, max overall length is 110′. Overweight loads are allowed if the overall width is 16′ or greater. A permit may cover more than one modular section if each section is a component of the same home.
2. Multi-Trip Permits
- Miscellaneous Equipment, Machinery, Materials – Max: 150′ long, 14′ wide, 16′ high, 170,000 lbs. GVW.
- Grain, Coal, Iron Ore Concentrates and Alloyed Iron – Valid on all Wisconsin state trunk highways within 5 miles of Minnesota border. Max 88,000 lbs. GVW.
- Garbage, Refuse and Recyclable Scrab – The transporting vehicle must be a self-compactor equipped or a roll-off equipped truck or a roll-off trailer that uses all axles while transporting garbage or refuse. Not valid on Intestate Highways with some exceptions.
- Building or Structure From an Existing Foundation – For moving buildings with one or more overall transport measurements exceeding 12′ wide, 14’3″ high, or 100′ long.
- Sealed Load in International Trade – For the transportation of a sealed load. Max 90,000 lbs. on 6 or more axles.
- Agricultural Products to and From a Farm – For the transportation of agricultural products. Max 90,000 lbs. on 6 or more axles. Not valid on Interstate Highways with some exceptions.
- Fluid Milk Products – For the transportation of raw milk from a farm where the milk was produced to the first location of either a processing plant to transfer section. Max 98,000 lbs. on 6 or more axles.
- Granular Roofing Material
- Hay or Straw
- Industrial Interplant
- Inter Plant Distribution in Kenosha, Racine Counties
- Mobile Home or Modular Building Sections
- Michigan Border
- Potato Storage to Processing, not Rail
- Potato Seed
- Raw Forest Products, Fruits and Vegetables – 90,000 lbs.
- Raw Forest Products – 98,000 lbs. on 6 or more axles
Loads not exceeding 12’6″ wide, 13’6″ high, or 100′ long may run 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except between 4:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, and between 4:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. between the fourth Sunday in May and Labor Day. Beyond these dimensions, loads may not run during hours of darkness, not from Noon on Saturday until Sunrise on Monday, and not between 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. between the fourth Sunday in May and Labor Day. Overweight-only can travel 24/7, including weekends and holidays, unless otherwise stated on the permit.
Width: | 8’6″ |
Weight: | 80,000 lbs. gross weight:
Length: |
Height: | 13’6″ |
The distance between the kingpin and trailer axle shall be measured as follows:
- On a semitrailer having a tandem axle: from the kingpin to a point midway between the first and last axles of the tandem axle group.
- On a semitrailer not having a tandem axle: from the kingpin to the center of the rearmost axle.
Width: | Length: | Weight: | Height: |
16′ | No set limits |
Depends on routes |
Loads exceeding 16′ or 150,000 lbs. are considered superloads.
Pilot/Escort Vehicle is Required
On 2-way, 2-lane highways:
Width over 15′
When any part of the load or vehicle extends beyond the left of roadway centerline: |
1 escort
1 pilot car is required |
Length | No escort required |
Height | Depending on the route, but usually no escort is required. |
Weight restrictions | Spring thaw overweight restrictions usually go into effect on Class 2 Roads from approximately early March until mid-May. Interstates and US Highways are normally not restricted. The start date varies from year to year. |
On multi-lane highways:
Same as 2- lane except when any part of vehicle/load extends beyond the left of the right-hand lane.
Width over 14′ (on certain highways) | 1 pilot car |
Wisconsin requires “Oversize Load” signs when a vehicle/load exceeds 10′ wide or is overlength. They must be lit up to run at night. Flags (18′′ square) are required at the front and rear corners of overwidth loads, as well as at the widest point of any load that is more than 4′′ wider than the vehicle or the load’s front or rear corners. When overlength, a single flag shall be fastened at the extreme rear of the load if the overlength or projecting portion is 2′ wide or less, or two flags if over 2′ wide. Lighting rules for oversize/overweight night moves are specified in the Wisconsin Permit General Provisions (MV2605) sheet.
Travel is restricted on major holidays and holiday weekends, with some variations by size.
You can also obtain any trip and fuel permits you may need with our sister site!