National Owner-Operators Association “Shuts Down” In Protest

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Just this past Wednesday showed the National Owner Operators Association speak aloud about the “national truckers’ shutdown” in order to bring about some eyes towards Congress failing to go forth 49 Code of Federal Regulations 371.3, all in requirement of freight brokers to note the records for every transaction. It’s the latest update that arrives from their president. The NOOA has long been an advocate for the system. Therefore, to unify together small fleets for the hopes of boycotting brokerage TQL, this will be enough for the J.B. Hunt’s brokerage.

There’s widespread understandings of how the internal polling will show for more than 70% of the National Owner-Operators Association very own 30,000-plus members to shut down in protest.

Truckers spanning from every coast are going to join in a country-wide protest in order to underline the need for Congress to stop dilly-dallying. From the looks of it, the NOOA is in high belief that the DOT will force the FMCSA to shift it’s own ruling while enforcing 49 CFR 371.3, while it’s their very right to understand the indication that it should be properly enforced.

One can look at 49 CFR 371.3 and understand that it means a proper record-keeping of every transaction. All while the record had shown the information for the motor carrier all while the bill of lading can display the amount of compensation that would be received by the broker for the brokerage service performed as well as the name of the payer.

Such a regulation is in need of the description of any quite non-brokerage service to perform in correlation with every shipment or any activity while the compensation had been well-received for the service.

Brokers can keep up the record for just around three years, while every party in the brokered transaction will have the right to view the records.

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